Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Visit the Philippines Tourist Attractions for a Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience

At the southeastern region of Asia lies an exotic country with more or less 7,100 islands. Collectively known as the Philippines, this archipelagic country inhabited by friendly locals and many indigenous tribes is home to innumerable beguiling attractions that lure tourists from all over the globe.

Long stretches of powdery white sand beaches, active and sleeping volcanoes, impressive wildlife, not to mention festivals, indigenous events and great cuisine are just a few of the Philippines tourist attractions that tempt international visitors to come to and experience this warm tropical country.

Where would you want to go if you're in a country whose locals have a ready smile for everyone?  Pristine beaches and breathtaking natural wonders to interesting historic sites, what else could you ask for?

We have all types of comfortable accommodations to cater to your every need and budget. From the lowly and naturally fresh simple huts and cottages to the convenient bed and breakfast accommodations, dorms, hostels to luxurious hotels and resorts, the offers are endless.

For a once-in-a-lifetime experience, pack your bags and get set to visit three of the world famous places of interest in the Philippines:

Mayon Volcano in Albay

Said to have an almost perfect symmetrical cone shape, this active volcano draws visitors like a magnet especially during its episodes of outburst.

 Although it’s dangerous to be in its vicinity, people just love to witness its splendid glory when displaying fabulous pyrotechnics.

The protruding belfry of a baroque church long buried underground due to the volcano's eruption in 1814 adds to the magnificence of the sight.

Underground River in Palawan

Puerto Princesa is home to the unique and terrific natural phenomena known as the Subterranean River. Touted as the world’s longest navigable underground river, this attraction is now protected within a national park.

As you paddle your way to the inside, you'll surely be tongue-tied with awe to the sight of fluttering bats and mysterious rock formations.

Chocolate Hills in Bohol

Be mystified at the sight of almost symmetrical and same-sized geological formations that count up to at least 1,268 individual mounds scattered throughout the interior of the town of Carmen. 

Ironically, these giant mole hills are not chocolate colored but are actually covered in green grass. However, the dry season turns the green grass brown, hence the name.

Come, visit the country to see more of these exciting and new tourist attractions. Get an experience that's second to none just by savoring the fantastic beauty of the Philippine tourist attractions.